Young Quilters

Region 8 YQs at Blackthorpe Barn

Region 8 YQs at Blackthorpe Barn

From 30th April to the 2nd May, Young Quilters in Region 8 took part in an exhibition at Blackthorpe Barn. The exhibition featured stunning work by patchwork and quilters of all ages from across Suffolk and Essex. The YQs produced and exhibited a range of beautiful quilts and visitors were very impressed by the high quality and creativity. During the weekend children could also take part in YQ workshops, creating fabric postcards and fabric bags/boxes. Well done to everyone that was involved!

A special thank you to Jane Rogers, Helen Vivian and Maria Spiller who organised this fantastic event for the YQs to take part in. The event was very successful and region 8 have donated £1000 to the National Young Quilters project! Funds have also been donated to region 8's YQ groups. A huge thank you for this money which will be used to encourage more children across the country to try quilting and sewing!

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