Young Quilters

Quilts by Rebecca and Jess, Region 9

Quilts by Rebecca and Jess, Region 9

Young Quilters in Region 9 have been learning to make a rail fence pattern quilt. Rebecca (age 7) and Jess (age 10) both made quilts and designed their own labels for the backs of the quilts. They began the quilts on the 1st of June and finished on the 14th of September. They chose their own fabrics, learned how to do the binding and backing and then quilted it themselves. Well done to both of you! Thank you for inspiring other Young Quilters by sharing your quilts.

Thank you to the YQ volunteers in Region 9 who made these quilt workshops possible and to Coats for donating fabric.
  • quilt by Rebecca age 7
  • quilt label by Jess
  • quilt label by Rebecca

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